RBR instruments travel to the far north to support ORP/NASA collaboration

An RBR sensor about to be deployed off Greenland

Over the next several weeks, two of RBR’s instruments will be travelling north of the 77th parallel in Greenland as part of a collaboration between the Ocean Research Project (ORP), and NASA’s five-year Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) campaign.

“Ground-breaking research in a place that has barely been touched by humankind makes for extremely exciting science,” says ORP founder Matt Rutherford. He and Nicole Trenholm will be employing an RBR CTD and thermosalinograph to collect data that NASA and scientists around the world will use to understand how warm water from the Atlantic Ocean affects fragile Arctic marine environments. While the 100-day expedition comes with many dangers, Rutherford is hopeful. “This data will provide great insight into the stability of polar glacial systems,” he said.

Read more about this project (downloadable PDF).

An RBR sensor about to be deployed off Greenland