September 12, 2019 – Ottawa, Ontario Canadian Business and Maclean’s today ranked RBR No. 432 on the 30th annual Growth 500, the definitive ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies. Produced by Canada’s premier business and current affairs media brands, the Growth 500 ranks Canadian businesses on five-year revenue growth. Growth 500 winners are profiled in a special print issue of Canadian Business published with Maclean’s magazine and online … Read More about RBR Ranks on the 2019 Growth 500 for the third time
RBR array records high accuracy and frequency temperature under seasonal lake ice
Bernard Yang (right) and Mathew Wells (second from right) from the University of Toronto, as well as Mike Mueller and Jeremy Metzger from the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks, field sampling on ice-covered Lake Simcoe.
RBRargo CTDs profile under Hurricane Florence and provide critical forecasting data
On September 11, 2018, a NOAA Hurricane Hunter airplane flew into the path of Hurricane Florence and air-deployed 10 RBRargo CTDs mounted to profiling floats that parachuted into the Atlantic Ocean. The upper-ocean temperature data collected by the profiling floats was used to improve the forecast of the hurricane’s intensity as it headed for the Carolinas. Florence grew into a … Read More about RBRargo CTDs profile under Hurricane Florence and provide critical forecasting data
RBR Delivers Larger Order to Support Great Lakes RAEON Program
Scientists have started a coordinated effort to study and monitor the health of the Great Lakes using a large number of RBR loggers and multiparameter sensors. RBR has recently delivered hundreds of world-class scientific instruments to meet the critical requirements of the Real-time Aquatic Ecosystem Observation Network (RAEON). “RAEON will support comprehensive and multidisciplinary research to understand and manage … Read More about RBR Delivers Larger Order to Support Great Lakes RAEON Program
RBR array collects fine-scale measurements in the strongly stratified centimeters-thick boundary layer under seasonal lake ice
Researchers from Germany, Russia and Finland deployed 12 RBRsolo³ T temperature loggers into an ice-covered lake in northern Finland to study heat transfer at the ice-water interface. The fine-scale measurements they collected are helping them to identify the role of turbulence in the boundary layer. The 2018 study, “Turbulent mixing and heat fluxes under lake ice: the role of seiche … Read More about RBR array collects fine-scale measurements in the strongly stratified centimeters-thick boundary layer under seasonal lake ice
New Free Toolbox Makes OEM Sensor Integration Easier
Your RBR instruments have become even easier to use. A new C toolbox developed specifically for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) customers, libRBR makes integrating your RBR CTD into your glider, AUV or float system quicker and simpler. The new library handles the intricacies of waking the instrument and response parsing, while maintaining access to all instrument functionality. The libRBR toolbox … Read More about New Free Toolbox Makes OEM Sensor Integration Easier