Understanding the glacier-ocean connection in Jones Sound: A multidisciplinary approach

Group of interdisciplinary scientists from the summer 2022 field season.

Nestled between Ellesmere Island and Devon Island is Jones Sound, which is located in the rapidly and dramatically changing Canadian Arctic. The coastlines here are characterised by intricate fjords, many of which are highly influenced by tidewater glaciers (i.e. glaciers that end at the head of the fjord which discharge meltwater below the ocean surface). It is a region at … Read More about Understanding the glacier-ocean connection in Jones Sound: A multidisciplinary approach

Resolving spatial and temporal variations in estuarine gas flux

Estuarine Gas Exchange Maximum (EGM) model

Estuaries are thought to be major players in the global carbon budget, acting as significant sources of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. However, the uncertainties on existing measurements are high. A recent study led by Dr. Malcolm Scully, a researcher at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), aims to improve our understanding of global fluxes of CO2 from estuaries by examining how … Read More about Resolving spatial and temporal variations in estuarine gas flux

Constraining the dynamics of the Gulf of Urabá estuary and inspiring the next generation of Colombian scientists

CTD under water

Colombia’s Gulf of Urabá has historically been at the centre of many unanswered questions. The semi-enclosed tropical estuary is located in the southwestern Colombian Caribbean and is the largest estuarine system in the country. Despite its size, until recently it was one of the least studied ecosystems in Colombia. This changed in 2018, when scientists from the University of Antioquia, … Read More about Constraining the dynamics of the Gulf of Urabá estuary and inspiring the next generation of Colombian scientists

Meet our newest sales team members!

New RBR Sales Team Members

We’re thrilled to welcome Max Vergara Jara, Susie Crowe, and Cory Brooks to the RBR sales team. After some shuffles within the team, with Candace Smith moving to RBR’s marketing team and Qi Wang joining our research scientists, we are back on the ground in some key markets and ready to serve our customers. Meet our three newest members below.   … Read More about Meet our newest sales team members!