RBRcoda³ sensors added to Sofar Ocean Smart Mooring Platform

RBRcoda³ sensors added to Sofar Ocean Smart Mooring Platform

Sofar’s new Smart Mooring is an environmental monitoring tool capable of measuring a wide variety of parameters with a single universal interface.  Sofar has partnered with RBR to provide high-accuracy RBRcoda³ sensors to measure pressure, temperature, or dissolved oxygen along the smart mooring line and at the bottom.  Initial projects will focus on using the RBRcoda³ D pressure sensors for realtime measurements … Read More about RBRcoda³ sensors added to Sofar Ocean Smart Mooring Platform

The Nature Trust of British Columbia and Coastal First Nations deploy RBR loggers to enhance sustainability of wild BC fish stocks

RBRsolo³ Tu turbidity loggers

In fall of 2019, The Nature Trust of British Columbia (The Nature Trust of BC), Canada, launched a five-year monitoring program using RBRsolo³ Tu turbidity loggers and RBRmaestro³ multi-channel water quality loggers to determine the resilience of 15 estuaries to sea-level rise and climate change. The Enhancing Estuary Resilience Project is a partnership between The Nature Trust of BC, the … Read More about The Nature Trust of British Columbia and Coastal First Nations deploy RBR loggers to enhance sustainability of wild BC fish stocks

RBRquartz³ Q bottom pressure recorders resolve small-scale changes in water level across a coral reef to determine roughness over complex terrain

RBRquartz³ Q bottom pressure recorder

In March 2017, a team from Stanford University deployed five RBRquartz³ Q bottom pressure recorders on the coral reef off the coast of Ofu, a South Pacific island of American Samoa, to resolve centimeter-scale changes in water surface height over the reef. The measurements they collected support the development of a comprehensive understanding of drag over complex terrain. Quantifying drag … Read More about RBRquartz³ Q bottom pressure recorders resolve small-scale changes in water level across a coral reef to determine roughness over complex terrain

New RBRquartz³ BPR|zero with AzeroA capabilities enables climate, ocean circulation, and geophysical studies

RBRquartz³ BPR (bottom pressure recorder)

Deepwater pressure measurements with the highest level of stability are critical for climate, global ocean circulation, and geophysical process studies. The RBRquartz³ BPR|zero is a special version of the RBRquartz³ BPR (bottom pressure recorder) implementing an internal barometer and switching valve. The novel AzeroA technique is used to provide in-situ reference measurements to correct for long term drift in the … Read More about New RBRquartz³ BPR|zero with AzeroA capabilities enables climate, ocean circulation, and geophysical studies

RBR expands into Australia

Stefan Stimson

We are incredibly pleased to announce that Stefan Stimson has joined the RBR team as Australia’s Business Development Manager. Stef brings decades of experience in the survey and oceanographic world, where he has worked alongside RBR on many projects over the past 14 years. Stef is based in Australia, where he will lead sales and business development efforts for customers … Read More about RBR expands into Australia

RBR Supports Early-Career Ocean Scientists in the RBR2020 Cohort Program

RBR2020 Cohort Program

In January, RBR announced the 16 members of the RBR2020 Cohort, a two-year accelerator program for innovative early-career ocean scientists. Members of the cohort will be supported by RBR and leading ocean scientist mentors to develop their proposed projects, enable new measurements and methods, and communicate their results. Launched in September, 2019, the RBR2020 Cohort challenged applicants to propose innovative … Read More about RBR Supports Early-Career Ocean Scientists in the RBR2020 Cohort Program