RBR are known for being obsessed with making our instruments as power efficient as possible;
however, did you know that we have the same obsession in continually improving our instruments?
The in-house engineering team at RBR have been working tirelessly since we first launched our RBRcoda³ T.ODO temperature and dissolved oxygen optode, to further improve its performance.
We are, therefore, pleased to announce that we are now releasing a new version of our 30-second time constant RBRcoda³ T.ODO, with significantly improved specifications.

While the initial accuracy has been improved to ±2µmol/L, we believe that the biggest change that will interest our users is in the resolution which has been reduced to a mere 0.1µmol/L. These small but significant changes result in an ideal sensor for your moored applications, or anywhere where a 30-second time constant in sampling is preferred.
With our low power consumption and these improved specifications, not only does this mean that you can measure for longer with the RBRcoda³ T.ODO, but you can now have amazing resolution, too - and that is something that we think is worth making noise about (because our instruments don’t).
For more information on the |slow variant, please visit RBRcoda³ T.ODO.