RBRcervello: buoy data controller

The RBRcervello is a buoy-installed data controller which manages your subsurface instruments via inductive or cabled connections. Flexible configuration permits telemetry over Iridium or cellular networks with local backup.
Surface-mounted for a profiling system, such as the Del Mar Oceanographic (DMO) Wirewalker, the RBRcervello communicates with your instruments via an inductive mooring line modem or by serial cables. Options include integrations of third-party ADCPs for the speed and direction of currents, or weather stations for the metrological data.
- 16GB memory
- Iridium modem
- Celular modem
- Realtime data hosting
- Flexible configurations
- Local USB downloads
The RBRcervello includes twelve months of data hosting service, and sites may be private or public. Smart switching between Iridium and cellular modems minimises costs. Engineering views of realtime data are available through any browser, with full data download for further processing. Local USB transfer is also possible for deployments without telemetry.
The RBRcervello supports meteorological weather stations and ADCPs, as well as all RBR sensors.