Characterizing coastline changes and coastal hazards in the Canadian Arctic community of Grise Fiord

RBRvirtuoso3 logger in artic

Grise Fiord, located on Ellesmere Island in Nunavut, is the northernmost community in Canada’s Arctic and home to approximately 130 people. Over the last 20 years, community members have noticed significant changes to their coastline and increasing numbers of storm impacts. To better understand these changes and how they may need to adapt, they are collaborating with Dr. David Didier, … Read More about Characterizing coastline changes and coastal hazards in the Canadian Arctic community of Grise Fiord

Bridging local knowledge and scientific monitoring in coastal Nunatsiavut communities

CTD profiling in Labrador

The Arctic, a region greatly affected by climate change, is experiencing some of the highest rates of warming compared to the rest of the globe. Although much research has focused on understanding the resulting changes in these high-latitude ocean regions, there is a noticeable gap in coastal zone monitoring. This coastal area is often the most utilized and important to … Read More about Bridging local knowledge and scientific monitoring in coastal Nunatsiavut communities