Free Wi-Fi for all

This upgrade makes connectivity faster, simpler, and more efficient. Best of all, it’s free — no strings (or cables) attached!

What does it mean for RBR users?

All new Wi-Fi-capable instruments from RBR will now come with Wi-Fi functionality enabled by default, providing a cable-free, easy way to connect to your instruments.

Which RBR instruments support Wi-Fi connectivity?

The feature is available on the following models with <750m rated housings (white-bodied loggers):

  • RBRvirtuoso3
  • RBRduo3
  • RBRconcerto3
  • RBRmaestro3

What about titanium versions of these instruments?

  • Titanium instruments can support Wi-Fi fitted with a 2000m-rated plastic battery end cap
  • These caps allow Wi-Fi use when recovering instruments deployed at depths up to 2000m.
  • For deployments deeper than 2000m, the standard titanium battery end cap must be used.
  • For more information or to purchase plastic battery caps, please contact

Can I upgrade my existing instruments?

Yes – you are not forgotten! If you already own a Wi-Fi-capable logger the process is both simple and automatic:

  1. Connect your instrument to the Ruskin software.
  2. The software will automatically offer the Wi-Fi upgrade free of charge.

Do I have to use Wi-Fi from then on?

No, Wi-Fi is just an additional, convenient way to connect to your logger – one without the need to open it.

Do I need a Wi-Fi network to use this feature?

No external Wi-Fi is required. The logger creates its own direct Wi-Fi network to connect with your computer or device.

Want more information?

Visit the product page for details: RBR Wi-Fi & Twist Activation.

RBRconcerto CTD with Ruskin mobile app