Sampling by Snorkelling: Using the RBRconcerto³ C.T.D.ODO.Tu to sample mangroves and coral reefs in the Florida Keys

RBRconcerto CTD underwater

Snorkelling through coral reefs and kayaking through mangroves is undoubtedly not how most ocean scientists would think to deploy a CTD. But thanks to RBR’s easy-to-use, lightweight CTD, SEA Semester students researching coral reefs and mangroves along the Florida Keys were able to do just that. Based in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Sea Education Association (SEA) is a leading non-profit, independent … Read More about Sampling by Snorkelling: Using the RBRconcerto³ C.T.D.ODO.Tu to sample mangroves and coral reefs in the Florida Keys

RBRvirtuoso³ turbidity loggers deployed in coastal France as part of benthic ecosystem monitoring network

Bottom-mounted tripod cages carrying several monitoring instruments, including RBRvirtuoso³ | Turbidity Loggers

Off-shore of Brittany, in the western-most part of contiguous France, seven autonomous sea-bed platforms have been deployed to monitor turbidity. The measurements are being collected as part of France’s Réseau d’Observation Haute-Fréquence pour l’Environnement Côtier (ROEC), a local network (Brittany) for high-frequency coastal ocean observing, of which ROEC-Benth is the branch responsible for observing turbidity at the seabed. Bottom-mounted tripod … Read More about RBRvirtuoso³ turbidity loggers deployed in coastal France as part of benthic ecosystem monitoring network

The Nature Trust of British Columbia and Coastal First Nations deploy RBR loggers to enhance sustainability of wild BC fish stocks

RBRsolo³ Tu turbidity loggers

In fall of 2019, The Nature Trust of British Columbia (The Nature Trust of BC), Canada, launched a five-year monitoring program using RBRsolo³ Tu turbidity loggers and RBRmaestro³ multi-channel water quality loggers to determine the resilience of 15 estuaries to sea-level rise and climate change. The Enhancing Estuary Resilience Project is a partnership between The Nature Trust of BC, the … Read More about The Nature Trust of British Columbia and Coastal First Nations deploy RBR loggers to enhance sustainability of wild BC fish stocks

The Coordinated Canyon Experiment: studying Monterey Canyon’s turbidity currents

oceanographer out at sea

Turbidity currents deliver sediment from the continental slopes to the deep ocean and threaten infrastructure such as submarine fiber-optic cables. The Coordinated Canyon Experiment (CCE), led by MBARI and USGS, used RBR turbidity sensors to continuously monitor the seafloor along Monterey Canyon for 18 months. The RBR turbidity sensors allowed the researchers to calibrate ADCP backscatter data and measure with new detail the … Read More about The Coordinated Canyon Experiment: studying Monterey Canyon’s turbidity currents

Lake Tahoe’s Nearshore Network and Protecting Water Clarity

An RBRmaestro and Turner C3 underwater in Lake Tahoe

Renowned for its cobalt blue colour and clarity, at 1,900 m elevation, Lake Tahoe is North America’s largest alpine lake. It straddles the California-Nevada border and on all sides rise the peaked Sierra Nevada mountains. Over two million people visit the Tahoe region annually; Frank Sinatra once owned a casino on Lake Tahoe’s shore. It’s little surprise then, that when … Read More about Lake Tahoe’s Nearshore Network and Protecting Water Clarity