Introducing Generation³

November 16, 2017 – Ottawa, ON, Canada RBR is pleased to announce the release of Generation³, the complete renovation of the core product line, encompassing standard loggers; RBRvirtuoso, RBRduo, RBRconcerto, RBRmaestro, compact loggers; RBRsolo, RBRduet, and the standalone sensors, the RBRcoda. Two primary factors can sum up RBR’s Generation³ instruments; USB-C as the standardized connector on every instrument; and AA … Read More about Introducing Generation³

Fin-ished? Citizen scientists cast CTDs as part of an investigation of salmon mortality in British Columbia’s Salish Sea

Oceanographer casting a CTD

In 2014, the Salish Sea Marine Survival Project (SSMSP) began, launching over thirty scientific studies into the lifecycle of Coho and Chinook Salmon of the Salish Sea. These West Coast fisheries collapsed over twenty years ago, and have not since recovered. At the close of this five-year program, researchers hope to understand why salmon mortality is so high. Their aim … Read More about Fin-ished? Citizen scientists cast CTDs as part of an investigation of salmon mortality in British Columbia’s Salish Sea

RBR Launches the RBRconcerto APT

June 19, 2017 – Ottawa, ON, Canada RBR has added another product to their family of standard loggers, the RBRconcerto APT. With the combination of a triaxial quartz accelerometer and a 10ppb bottom pressure recorder, it is a compelling instrument for tsunami and earthquake early warning systems. This instrument is the fruition of several years of development work at RBR … Read More about RBR Launches the RBRconcerto APT

Ice Shelves, Ice Islands and Measuring Change in the High Arctic

An ice island

In Canada’s High Arctic, within the fiords of Ellesmere Island, there are lakes that float upon the Arctic Ocean. Called epishelf lakes, they are glacially-fed bodies of freshwater that sit atop a steep halocline. The lakes exist only where the ice shelves, filling the mouths of the fiords, act as dams, holding the water from flowing into the ocean. In … Read More about Ice Shelves, Ice Islands and Measuring Change in the High Arctic

RBR Ltd: Best Ottawa Business Award


In November of 2016, RBR became recognized as one of Ottawa’s top businesses, winning a Best of Ottawa Business (BOB) award. We attribute this award to our exceptional team of hardworking individuals who help RBR further explore innovation each and every day. We would like to thank those who nominated RBR for this award and thank the Ottawa Chamber of … Read More about RBR Ltd: Best Ottawa Business Award