Trolling for data in Southeast Alaska

Closeup of the map showing Tyler Hennon's research sites in Southeast Alaska

The ocean surrounding Southeast Alaska is a geomorphically complex area in the Northeast Pacific. Despite the complexities of this area and the numerous stakeholders interested in this ocean ecosystem, much of the region has, until recently, been lacking a regular monitoring program. In 2022, Tyler Hennon, an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, started a comprehensive oceanographic … Read More about Trolling for data in Southeast Alaska

The SUNRISE Project: Using RBR instruments to unravel mixing in the Gulf of Mexico

Oceanographers using WIREWALKER

The coastal ocean is a dynamic and productive environment, critical for the success of fisheries, tourism, and local economies. But these productive environments are also associated with a variety of complex oceanographic features. To better understand and protect these ecosystems, many physical oceanographers are diving deeper into the dynamics that drive mixing and water exchange. Complex coastal features like currents … Read More about The SUNRISE Project: Using RBR instruments to unravel mixing in the Gulf of Mexico

RBR loggers deployed in the Cretan Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) to monitor climatic change impact on the marine environment

RBRconcerto³ CTD on top of rope

In February 2021, two deep-sea moorings were deployed in the west Cretan Sea strait (south Aegean Sea) between Crete and Antikythira. The moorings were equipped with two RBRconcerto3 deep-sea loggers, including pressure, temperature, conductivity, and RBRcoda T.ODO dissolved oxygen sensors. The RBR loggers were deployed both at the strait bottom (~900 m) and at intermediate depth (300 m), paired with … Read More about RBR loggers deployed in the Cretan Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) to monitor climatic change impact on the marine environment

Observing ocean health: RBR, Dalhousie and DFO collaborate to develop new biogeochemical sensors

RBR argo CTD

The ocean’s contribution to climate change may not be as visible as that of the atmosphere, but in lock-step with the atmosphere, the ocean is changing. The physical dynamics of its currents and temperature are changing, as well as its chemical and biological aspects; its biogeochemistry. Knowing the ocean’s biogeochemistry, including ecosystem health and the ocean’s ability to absorb carbon, … Read More about Observing ocean health: RBR, Dalhousie and DFO collaborate to develop new biogeochemical sensors

RBR instruments study sea level rise in the Canadian Arctic

oceanographer in arctic

Since the writing of this story, published in ECO Magazine, the Milne Ice Shelf has collapsed into the Arctic Ocean. A team of Canadian and American researchers are using RBR temperature and salinity loggers to study how the Arctic’s ice shelves are changing over time. By understanding their disappearance, the researchers are able to predict the dynamics of the much … Read More about RBR instruments study sea level rise in the Canadian Arctic