Past webinars

How to select the right CTD
Candace Smith
March 29, 2023
Discover which CTDs are best for moored applications, coastal and ocean profiling, polar oceanography, gliders, AUVs, and more.

Meet Ruskin, RBR's all-in-one software tool
Candace Smith
December 7, 2022
In this highly interactive session, we cover how to get the most out of this free software at all stages of your project - from planning to deployment to post-processing.

Improved data processing with Python
Qi Wang
December 2, 2022
Due to growing demand from the oceanographic research community, RBR recently released pyRSKtools, an official, open-source data processing toolbox for Python. Get a brief overview of the toolbox and insights from RBR research scientist Qi Wang in this technical session with Scripps Oceanography.

Meet the RBRtridente fluorescence and backscatter sensor.
Greg Johnson, Jon Taylor
October 3, 2022
Join RBR President Greg Johnson, and Sensor Manager Jon Taylor as they introduce the RBRtridente and show you how the multi-channel sensor improves how you measure backscatter and fluorescence.

Wave measurement and analysis using RBR instruments.
Candace Smith
September 1, 2022
Researchers are often surprised by the flexibility of our wave instruments and how that helps them in their projects. We've seen a spike in interest in wave studies recently, so we decided to host a webinar on the topic.

Introduction to oceanographic sensor technology
Jon Taylor
July 27, 2022
Join Jon Taylor, RBR Sensor Manager, for a highly interactive webinar and discover the science and technology behind common oceanographic sensors for measuring temperature, pressure, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, PAR, fluorescence, backscatter, and turbidity.

Learn how we calibrate a CTD at RBR
Mark Stacey, Ariel Weinerth, Igor Shkvorets
June 22, 2022
Our calibration lab tours are some of our most popular events. In this webinar we expand beyond the cal lab to follow an RBR CTD through the complete process. See how we inspect and test each instrument before calibration; watch how we calibrate temperature, pressure, and conductivity channels; and learn how we calibrate and maintain our reference standards.

Simplify underwater PAR measurements
Mathieu Dever, Candace Smith, Jon Taylor, and Rob Lee
December 15, 2021
Learn how the new line of RBR PAR and narrow-band radiometers can help you simplify PAR measurements on your next project.

RBR integration with the Sofar Spotter Buoy
Eduardo Vaz (RBR), Zack Johnson (Sofar), Ashwin Lalendran (Sofar), and Sebastien Boulay (Sofar)
June 24, 2021
11H00 PDT / 14H00 EDT (18H00 UTC)
Learn how the RBR range of sensors is adding to the capability of Sofar's Smart Mooring for cost-effective, real-time monitoring.
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Présentation de la CTD RBR -
Explore RBR's CTD
Didier Clec'h
June 22, 2021
08H00 EDT / 14H00 CEST (12H00 UTC)
Découvrir l’instrumentation CTD haute résolution de RBR pour les applications de mesures sur mouillages, profils et plateformes autonomes.
Learn about RBR's high-accuracy CTD and integrated sensors for mooring, profiling, and autonomous platform applications. (Presented in French)
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Introducing the RBRquartz³ Q|plus
Greg Johnson
April 20, 2021
Learn about our newest addition to our line of high-accuracy quartz based pressure loggers: the RBRquartz³ Q|plus. Developed specifically for long-term wave, tide, and sea-level measurements.
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RBR software tools: Ruskin and RSKtools
Greg Johnson
December 9, 2020
Learn about the power and ease of use of RBR's desktop and mobile software for sensor configuration, data visualization, and data analysis.
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CTD and sensor calibrations at RBR
Greg Johnson
November 25, 2020
Tour RBR’s new calibration lab, and learn about our calibration process for conductivity, temperature, pressure, and DO, and how you can maintain and verify some sensors in the field.

Assessment of RBRcoda T.ODO optode for profiling and long-term deployments
Greg Johnson
November 18, 2020
Learn more about how the RBR optical DO sensor has enabled improved oxygen measurement for vertical profiling and high-stability long-term moorings.
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Profiling CTDs: RBR instruments in Wirewalker, gliders/AUVs, and Argo floats
Greg Johnson
November 11, 2020
Learn about RBR's CTD integrations into different profiling platforms, and how this has helped increase mission duration and reduce price per profile.
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Inductive-conductivity cell: a primer on high-accuracy CTD technology
Greg Johnson
November 4, 2020
Learn the operating principles, accuracy and stability, and deployment guidance for the RBR unpumped inductive conductivity cell.
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Ping the President - getting the most out of your RBR instrumentation
Greg Johnson (President of RBR)
September 24, 2020 at 11AM AEST (GMT+10)
An informal interview type Q&A session with Greg Johnson focusing on getting the most out of your instrumentation - an opportunity to ask RBR anything.
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Pressure sensors in the age of artificial intelligence
Caio Eadi Stringari (University of Newcastle)
September 23, 2020 at 12PM EDT (GMT-4)
This talk explores how data collected using RBRsolo D pressure loggers can be combined with artificial intelligence to provide crucial information about surf and swash zone dynamics.
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Using waves and power efficient loggers for autonomous profiling
Chris Kontoes (DMO) & Andrew Lucas (SIO)
September 17, 2020 at 11AM AEST (GMT+10)
Measure for longer, more often, and faster using the DMO wave powered profiler and RBR power efficient loggers reporting via an energy efficient modem.
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Wave processes on coral reefs and the impact of sea level rise on atoll islands
Eddie Beetham (Tonkin + Taylor)
September 10, 2020 at 11AM AEST (GMT+10)
Field measurements highlight the importance of different surf-zone processes and are critical for validating numerical models to explore the future.

Chronicling seasonality in Beaufort Sea Lagoons
Christina Bonsell (University of Texas)
September 9, 2020 at 12PM EST (GMT-4)
Techniques and challenges using moored CTDs in the nearshore Arctic by the Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research Program.
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Monsoons and plumes limit subsurface chlorophyll fluorescence
Tamara Schlosser, PhD (SCRIPPS)
September 16, 2020 at 12PM EST (GMT-4)
Explore the coupling between subsurface irradiance, chlorophyll fluorescence, and diel vertical migration in the Bay of Bengal.
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Tidal measurements to support hydrographic operations in Queensland
Giles Stimson (Port of Brisbane Ltd)
September 3, 2020 at 11AM AEST (GMT+10)
Learn how the Port of Brisbane is using high accuracy tidal observations to support hydrography at their port and throughout Queensland.
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Observing beach breaching in Carmel, CA
Mara Orescanin (Naval Postgraduate School)
September 2, 2020 at 12PM EDT (GMT-4)
This webinar will show observations of beach breaching at Carmel River that include seasonal migration of the beach as well as prediction of breach closure.
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Surf zone monitoring at the Palm Beach artificial reef using nine RBRduet T.Ds
Evan Watterson (Bluecoast Consulting Engineers)
August 27, 2020 at 11AM AEST (GMT+10)
Surf zone wave monitoring to assess the performance of the Palm Beach artificial reef, using nine RBRduet T.Ds deployed in the lee of the artificial reef along two shore parallel lines.
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Measuring the pore pressure response in sandy beaches using RBRsolo³ Ds
Nina Stark (Virginia Tech)
August 26, 2020 at 12PM EDT (GMT-4)
Pore pressure response to wave action can lead to sand liquefaction. Learn the results of measuring pore pressure at beaches using RBRsolo³ Ds.
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Measuring waves to better quantify coastal hazards
Dr. Hannah Power (University of Newcastle)
August 20, 2020 at 11AM AEST (GMT+10)
Explore an array of projects where the powerful RBRsolo³ D was used to obtain critical wave and water level data for studying coastal hazards.
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Wave energetics in a complicated reef environment; observations and modeling
Camilla Tognacchini (University of Hawaii)
August 19, 2020 at 12PM EDT (GMT-4)
RBRsolo³ D data is used to validate modeled wave energetics along West Maui, enlightening energy transformations and run-up components.
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Community science in New England: the CFRF/WHOI shelf research fleet
Glen Gawarkiewicz (WHOI)
August 5, 2020 at 12PM EDT
For many years, the fishing community in Rhode Island has been working with WHOI scientists to collect data over the continental shelf. Learn what their combined efforts have discovered.
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Robots, RBRs, and reconnaissance under the ice
Icefin Team (GIT)
July 29, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Learn the highlights of how the GIT team have used RBRconcertos and other CTDs in the McMurdo Sound, under the Ross Ice Shelf, and the Thwaites Glacier, both on the Icefin and profiling casts through the ice.

Community-based observing of the coastal ocean in Nunatsiavut
Eric Oliver (Dalhousie)
July 22, 2020 at 12PM EDT
This webinar will outline some pilot activities of community-based observing of the coastal ocean in Nunatsiavut, and plans to expand in the future.
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Sensor technologies for measuring Arctic methane: the ChemYak in Nunavut
Anna Michel & Roo Nicholson (WHOI)
July 15, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Learn the results of a ChemYak field deployment from Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada that demonstrate a large methane release during the spring freshet.
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Revealing under‐ice convection in a large lake
Bernard Yang (University of Toronto)
July 8, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Explore the application of the high accuracy RBRsolo³ T temperature logger to reveal the weak vertical temperature gradients in cold waterbodies.
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CTD and sensor calibrations
Greg Johnson
June 24, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Learn about the RBR calibration procedure for conductivity, temperature, pressures, and other sensors, and how you can maintain, verify, and calibrate some sensors in the field.
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Wave measurements for ocean, coastal, and transient wave studies
Eric Siegel (RBR) & Curt Storlazzi (USGS)
June 17, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Expand your understanding of wave measurements, learn how to optimize your deployment settings, and review Ruskin wave processing methods.
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RSKtools: a free toolbox for CTD post-processing and data visualization
Mark Halverson
June 3, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Learn more about the many functions in the the free post-processing toolbox and how it can improve your CTD data quality.
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A fast biophysical underway profiler: the EcoCTD
Mathieu Dever
May 27, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Discover how researchers are improving profiles of CTD and optical measurements from underway vessels.
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Development and evaluation of the RBRlegato CTD on glider platforms
Eric Siegel
May 20, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Learn how customers are using the new RBRlegato glider CTD to extend glider missions, improve data quality, and enable more measurements.
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Ruskin software Pro Tips
Greg Johnson
May 13, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Learn about the full capability of the Ruskin software, including simulating different instrument configurations, automatic cast detection, wave processing, and editing calibration coefficients.
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CTD dynamic performance and correction through gradients
Mark Halverson
May 6, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Learn how RBR is helping customers improve data quality when profiling through strong thermoclines with vertical profiles, Argo floats, and gliders.
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Using the Ruskin Mobile app with Wi-Fi to view data and map your cruise
Candace Smith
April 29, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Explore how the Ruskin Mobile app can be used to view your data, GPS tag events, and map your profile locations on your phone or tablet.
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Multi-parameter observations and telemetry with the DMO Wirewalker
Chris Kontoes (DMO) & Andrew Lucas (SIO)
April 22, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Experience how researchers are achieving rapid, continuous vertical profiles and receiving realtime data using the Wirewalker with RBR systems.
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Assessment of RBRcoda T.ODO optode for profiling and long-term deployments
Eric Siegel
April 15, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Learn more about how the RBR optical DO sensor has enabled improved oxygen measurement for vertical profiling and high-stability long-term moorings.
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Explore the RBRquartz³ BPR|zero, the long-term bottom pressure recorder
Greg Johnson
April 8, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Explore how the RBRquartz³ is designed and configured to provide drift-corrections using the AzeroA method for long-term pressure measurements.
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Inductive-conductivity cell: a primer on high-accuracy CTD technology
Mark Halverson
April 1, 2020 at 12PM EDT
Review the 2020 Sea Technology paper describing operating principles, accuracy and stability, and deployment guidance for the unpumped inductive conductivity cell.
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