conductivity temperature depth sensor

Standard loggers: measure more, deploy longer, download faster.

Our standard instruments can integrate one to ten channels, including third-party sensors, and thus meet any of your unique requirements, be it acoustic surveys, coastal and deep ocean studies, tide and wave monitoring, tsunami warning systems, hydrography, water quality, or profiling applications. Select a configuration that fits your needs and enjoy stable, accurate measurements during long deployments.

Measure one or two parameters.

RBRvirtuoso³ and RBRduo³ : single- and dual-channel loggers



Available sensors:
Conductivity (C), Temperature (T), Pressure (D), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Optical Dissolved Oxygen (ODO), Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), Radiometer (rad), Turbidity (Tu), Backscatter (bb), Fluorescence (Fl), pH, Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP), Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Transmittance, Voltage

Popular models

Measure salinity.

RBRduo³, RBRbrevio³, RBRconcerto³ : C.T, C.T.D, and more



Available sensors:
Conductivity (C), Temperature (T), Pressure (D), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Optical Dissolved Oxygen (ODO), Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), Radiometer (rad), Turbidity (Tu), Thermistor string (Tx), Fluorescence (Fl), Backscatter (bb), pH, Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP), Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Transmittance, Voltage

Note: The RBRbrevio³ is strictly a CTD instrument.

Popular models

Measure five to ten parameters.

RBRmaestro³ : multi-channel logger



Available sensors:
Conductivity (C), Temperature (T), Pressure (D), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Optical Dissolved Oxygen (ODO), Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), Radiometer (rad), Turbidity (Tu), Backscatter (bb), Fluorescence (Fl), pH, Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP), Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Transmittance, Voltage

Popular models

Measure with high accuracy.

RBRquartz³ : high stability and low drift



  • Quartz stability
  • High accuracy
  • Long deployments
  • Up to 240M readings
  • Up to 16Hz sampling
  • USB-C download
  • Realtime communications

Popular models

Measure tides and waves.

RBRvirtuoso³, RBRduo³, RBRquartz³ Q : tide and wave loggers



  • Flexible tide averaging
  • Low frequency wave detection
  • Intermittent and continuous burst
  • 240M readings
  • Up to 16Hz sampling
  • USB-C download
  • Twist activation
  • Wi-Fi option

Popular models

Measure temperature.

RBRconcerto³ Tx : thermistor strings

RBRconcerto Tx


  • 240M readings
  • USB-C download
  • Up to 24 thermistors
  • Up to 400m in length

Popular Models

Third party sensors

Sensor Manufacturer Max. depth (m) Calibrated Range Accuracy
Dissolved Oxygen OxyGuard 2000 0 to 200% ±2%
Dissolved Oxygen Aanderaa Optode 6000 0 to 120% ±5%
Dissolved Oxygen |fast JFE Alec 6000 0 to 200% ±2%
Fluorometer Turner Designs (auto-ranging) 600 0.025-500μg/L Chlorophyll a ±2%
Fluorometer Seapoint (auto-ranging) 6000 0.025 – 150μg/L ±2%
ORP (RedOx) AMT 750 / 1200 / 6000 240-470mV ±1mV
PAR LI-COR 560 0 to 10000μmol/m²/s ±2%
PAR (5 decades) BioSpherical 2000 0 to 5000μmol/m²/s ±2%
pH AMT 750 / 1200 / 6000 4-10pH  ±0.1pH
Transmissometer Wetlabs  600 / 6000 660, 530, 470, or 370nm  ±0.1%
Turbidity (OBS, TSS) Turner Designs (auto-ranging)  600 0.05 to 1500NTU ±2%
Turbidity (OBS, TSS) Seapoint (auto-ranging) 6000 0 to 2500FTU (NTU) ±2% up to 1250FTU